Tuesday, April 18, 2006

3 months infant

The third month

By the third month, you and your baby probably will have established a daily routine of feeding, sleeping, diaper changing and playing. The process may not have been easy, but you're both starting to reap the rewards. As each day passes, your baby's distinct personality traits begin to shine through more and more. By 12 weeks of age, babies can:

* Express affection. Your baby will begin to reach for you when he or she needs attention, and snuggle in your arms for security and happiness.
* Play independently. An infant at 3 months can, with minimal parental involvement, play for as long 10 or 15 minutes at a time. An interesting sight or sound easily distracts an infant this age from almost anything — even nursing. Three-month-old babies spend time staring at things — pictures, mobiles, their own hands.
* Move with purpose. At this age, babies' neck muscles are strong enough to support their heads independently for a second or two. Although they can't roll over yet, they are getting close by turning from side to back. Also, if you set a toy in front of your baby, he or she will grasp it and hold onto it for a few moments.
* Speak their own language. By this time, your baby coos constantly, making more noises and sounds every day. When you talk to your baby close-up, wait for a vocal or body response. Even when you don't talk one-on-one, your baby still enjoys hearing your voice from across the room.



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