Tuesday, April 04, 2006

poo lover....

been wanting to write this in blog for almost a week now....

just thinking how ironic it is that once thinking of someone else's poo was really out of mind, eer...gross.now that i have nayya, her poo means so much to me.she was having tummy ache and didn't poo for 2 days.i was so anxious, so much so on day 3 she pooed i was looking at her poo for a long time,happy.and after that everytime she pooed i calculated how much.well i did get the habit since she had her joundice.the color of her poo should be green first then yellow.her urine should be not greenish...

but when there is a necessity to change your perception over some things...it just changes.

yeah by the way today she hasn't poo that much,like usually she'd poo.she's not comfortable with herself today.cried a lot...or should i say rengek.my baby doesn't cry a lot,she just screamed herself a bit.a very secure baby i'd say....


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Mama Sarah said...

I find this post very funny! And WOW there is someone like me out there!! I have to make sure that my kids poo at least once a day! Otherwise, panic!

And if they don't or if they do more than once, i'd start looking at their p** for a certain number of seconds!

What a topic, but true!!

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...

guess only mommies would understand this...hehehe

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Mama Sarah said...


sorrylah, i selalu ziarah your site. it's nice to read about 'new mum'. always make you feel good.

i'm sure you already knew this, but breastfeeding is the best way to lose weight naturally. I ada sepupu ni, she was horrified that she gained so much weight while pregnant and tak breastfeed anak dia langsung, one of the reasons sebab dia nak jaga badan. padahal, kalau dia breastfeed, berat badan akan lebih cepat turun.

still in the 'poo' topic, a few weeks ago, i suspected my son tertelan a 2p coin ms dkt rumah kwn.
lepas tu, i kena 'search' each of his dirty nappy. tapi tak jumpa pun. i risau sampai sekarang.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...


didn't know would have visitors other than my family members...nyways...lagi bersemangat nak tulis jadinya... hehehe...

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...

btw hope ur little amar is ok..maybe he didn't telan the coins

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Mama Sarah said...

tu lah, i hp not too. tp he was 'mengulum something' at one point, and had difficulty swallowing that thing. he choked, and cried a bit. Anak2 kwn tu tgh main duit, nak beli chocolate kononnya.

Amar pulak kaki mengutip, and masuk mulut.

the next day, dia diarrhoea. now dah ok. that 2p, is still a mystery.

like you said, entah2 bukan 2p coin kot. (so what exactly did he choked on that day?)

also, morale of the story - never leave your young child unattended kalau dah tahu the surrounding is quite hazardous. kesian amar jadi mangsa.


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