Monday, February 20, 2006

pst delivery

post delivery

well, i just simply slept after the delivery.only st 4 am i woke not at my side..:(

i had to go to toilet..not that urgent to go, but have to, if not something would be wrong... as they say la... tell u, it was the worst thing ever... sakitnye!!!!!

the sakitnye thingy lasted for the next 2 weeks.cried evrytime i had to pass bowel, b.o.coz i had a third degree perineal tearing...more of cutting.wahahaha.. so it involved the external anal sphincter.

slept back afterwards.only to wake up in the morn. and then i think i got to see my baby in the afternoon maybe.


the next day was better, so i kinda wanted to see my baby earlier, this was tuesday, at 8.30.tried to give her breast milk,nope she didn't milk to begin with.

so today found out she was jaundice.i could go back today.but baby could another day in the hospital.then she had to be put under photolight thingy.she cried, i too cried. it was so cruel, they had to strip her till she wore just her diapers, with no cover or bedding, they put her under the warm thingy, till the jaundice baby couldn't stand being alone, with no clothes, and it was the whole nite i was up, trying to console baby, then made her fall asleep, then undress her, put her under the lite.then she would wake up crying, i'd do the same thing again... it was crazy, sometimes i could only put her 5-10 min only then she'd cry.called my hubby later, told him am already tired.he said let baby in there i go to sleep. it was for her benefit. so i consoled baby for last time... and let her sleep in the hot crib... i too slept...only to wake up when i heard she screamed so loud. i let her slept under the hot thingy for 2 or 3 hrs solid... when i picked her up she was so hot. nyesal tido ehhh....


today her jaundice was down only to 14.takleh balik gak. i was like going i am so tired, after delivery. havent had a bath.not been eating well, since before birth and till now.then ma did her thingy,afternoon, around 3-4i cold go back with baby.what a relief.

couldn't remember till which day my hubby slept with me at the hospital.i think till the second day,then i had to sleep alone.waaaa, nangis eh, coz one thing couldn't sleep.the other thing i had to go to toilet alone.not becoz i was scared, but it was all pain.oo yeah the first time i went to toilet, i did a little bit of walking, i almost fainted.


At 5:09 PM, Blogger ahnali said...

seksanye baru lepas bersalin eh..

hehe..but u got ur best birthday present ever neee *^_^*

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...

yeah best pressie...

seksala kalau forceps,jgn smp camtu je...


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