Monday, July 17, 2006

nanyy & her fever & her first biz day..:P

aaa. alas my malas moment has ended...wahahaha...tho thanks to aimi foor the updates on our lives.

well, in a weeks time nayya would be 6 months. things that she can now do is, yes half crawling and half mengengsot. she can mengengsot very fast now.dont put her on the bed unattended, she might just fall off the bed, considering she has the i-must get-what-i-want fact i let her do her impulse-curiosity-on-move move, she just made my bedside lamp fall off the bedside table, even the lamp that was suppose to be clicked upon putting it in its holder got out.. ganas nayya.. heheheh...even tht bantals i put to make her unable to move further, she just crawled over it, like rite now, she was saying 'kacang putih la ma!!'

i have been busy last week, me and my last minute attitude. i had slept at 4 am almost a week (as far as i can remember la, maybe it was just for a couple of days je..), ma asked me to sell my oils & crystals at her JIM QONTARN conference in melaka. at the same time we had come with the idea of making seven energy oils, to balance out the energy in a person. so here i was, having to formulate these 7E's blends, and baby & mom kit, and massaging oil, in just 1 weeks time, my my.. due to very good time planning, i had slept for just a couple of hours on the day of gerai buka... wahahahah... but i had the energy la kan, for 2 solid days, i had to wake in the morn, survived thru out the day, and pengsan at nite - really pengsan the moment maghrib comes rite till subuh.

so that was with me, with my nayya lak, she had a fever..on saturday her temperature was just slightly high. so she merengek a bit and tido a lot. on both of us, either aimi or me. aimi realised how backache feels like when holding nayya.. hahaha..when we got back home,both of us just collapsed on the bed, not changing our clothes, till 12 am, i missed my asr & maghrib. woke up a while, coz ayang called, he was worried.. no news at all for many hours..then next day, had to bukak gerai till lunch. by the time noon comes, she just couldn't tolerate the people. so many ppl and so much attention. so, we packed our stuff, zoom to kl.. mind you not home but kl!!! me & nayya simply pengsan in the car.. till kl, then in kl in the musolla, slept too. then in the car going back, slept. up for food.. & sometimes for membebel 'bout the road. coz i know where to go.. tu pun lepas kan ma & aimi to decide. hehehe...

ok reached home at about 11 pm. me headache, nayya fever naik lagi.. waaa... risaunye.she just cried. ma gave her chamomile and put some water on her forehead.. ba asked to put on her body, 'param'.. first time heard the name.. so she cried... and then i brought her to my room, she slept on me. at about 3.30 am she was up, crying again... panas sgt kut. i gave her aconite 200c. for the next 1 hr another dose, everytime i woke up, gave her one dose. i got headache, & u know me with headache..just simply couldn't see straight. but anak nye pasal, tahan jugak. finally subuh i woke up, she cried, i gave her to ma & ba for me to pray. then both of us collapsed again. she on top of me. that was about the whole day's routine, we slept thruout the day. her fever was quite high in the noon. but after asar, it was rather lower.

she ate lunch, and dinner. makan byk, susu pun byk.. cam the whole day susu je. god, i was so worried. de mo ne, its good for her, to build her immune system. just have to monitor, if its too bad, have to be on alert. hope by tomorrow she would recover.
its painful to see your daughter got sick. even smiling she would make half a smile. her crawls are just slow. no mood. wuwuwuwu....

my feelings are, like me too having a fever. nak makan pun tak lalu. feel weak too. wuwuwuw... i guess that's how a mom would feel when her anak gets sick.

ok.. a long entry this time. i would put in some pics for the gerai day out. all the pics are in ma's hp. wait till she gets back from bintulu.

bye for now...


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