Wednesday, June 14, 2006


yesterday we went to KLIA. in the morn got a phone call from ba, after waking up, nayya and mommy bathe and we were on our way.

it was stuff from yIndia had arrived and picked up yesterday. was so afraid of the taxes charged, but, no charges. not now la, maybe when its 5 tonnes or more then la will charge!!

it was not a planned trip we made yesterday. ba being new to his office, and went to work on his own!!, none of his kids got up early yesterday to send him..bad kids...,left his reading glasses and some stuff home. so its half way to KLIA, we went to seremban then to KLIA.. corrected it, to MT-Seremban-KLIA...

in MT while waiting for aiman, i went out of the car, coz nayya was a bit restless.tried to put her to sleep by taking her for a walk.then a lady came down from her office.she gave a smile and shooke my hands, all because she wanted to say how cute nayya is. heheheh. then we talked. i got to know there's a kindergarden just next door to klinik, while waiting for aiman pick up ma's new toy. the aromatherapy shop which is 2 shops after the klinik is more concentrated to facial treatment, so my chance is really are more in the oil blends and massage. gosh i am now feeling the fear of what if things dont work out.. what if this,what if that... ok its time to look back at my plans....

we came back at about 6 pm. boy aren't both of us were bushed. we singgah at the mosque near KLIA, just because nayya was restless and aiman was sleepy, so i drove. lepak masjid to just calm nayya. prayed there. aiman slept a bit. then he drove all the way back. so much for mommy driving, got only to the mosque, in sepang too!!! wahahahahaha.

came back excited with the oils!! nayya was on the bed, playing je.. her mom was too excited to layan her... again, bad mommy!!! but being tired, we just ended up sleeping early. not so early for me tho, again my headache was coming back. its really irritating for me coz i never can stand headsches. but i am getting them every other day nowadays. nasib baik la nayya is always helpfull whenever i was having one. she sleeps easily.

BTW wanna see photos go to aimi's blog...she got all the photos for yestedays' trip...
malas me!!!


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...

ayoo...ayat cam keling juga daaa... malas nak betulkan

At 11:31 PM, Blogger ahnali said...

ganbatte ne kakak~!!
fightoo - ohhh =D


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