Monday, May 15, 2006

coming to 4'th month of life

hmmm,weeks had passed...still no updates eh

a week more she would be 4 months old.i think she had gained weight, lose a bit of her chubbiness, and her baby rashes months...grown from 45 cm to 69 cm.


nayya seems to improve on her grabbing technique.she can now grab my plate while i'm eating.she'd look at her 'bakul',touches it.i bought her an orange rattler,well she can now hold it,and she can put it into her mouth!!one time i saw her trying so hard to put it inside her mouth,every angle she tried, buat alas none can fit her mouth.another time,the rattler was beside her right cheek,she'd turn to it and tried to suck it.

this is a good one,a couple of nights ago,she went rolling on the bed.tiarap, telentang, tiarap, telentang. i had to roll off the bed to let her roll. hehehe..see she's not slow,she's just saying there are a lot of other things i have to learn, like doing the flying baby thingy... hehehe....if i hold her (dukung),she would lean her body to the front till, she's 90 degrees away, i.e.,upside down.she likes it that way.if sitting she would lean backward, so that she'd looking things upside down i'd be holding her 6 kilos weight with one hand while the other typing hehehe, or doing something else...but when does her flying thing, i'd stop doing anything

then,the best thing she can do now is she can give me a very big laugh whenever i play with her..when i hear her laughter,my heart really melted..i think i have more than one heart,..because it doesn't happen just one time.:P

oh,well,she's growing up.i guess ppl would say before you know she'll be all grown up.

but alas,enjoy these moments...take one day at a times, i do feel extreme fatigue.who says taking care of a baby is easy???but when layers of it goes away,all i can feel is strong love for her name, she's my sweetheart.

ayang's version of flying..

aimi & nayya BSN melaka 5/5/06

naya and her 90 degrees somersoult!!

LCCT, anta ma gi bintulu

KLCC,14/4/06 & edited photos,courtesy of ayang


At 7:17 PM, Blogger Aimi Jaafar said...

apsal gamba senget?


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Tuting Tome said...

dah tak senget:P

tapi gamba aimi lak ilang tu

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Aimi Jaafar said...

isk3 tu la. gamba aimi nyuruk.


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